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🌿 Women's Syntropic Food Forest Weekend, Castlepoint 🌿  4pm Friday 21st March - 3pm Sunday 23rd March, 2025 🌿


🌿 Women's Syntropic Food Forest Weekend, Castlepoint 🌿 4pm Friday 21st March - 3pm Sunday 23rd March, 2025 🌿

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🌿 Women's Syntropic Food Forest Weekend, Castlepoint 🌿 4pm Friday 21st March - 3pm Sunday 23rd March, 2025 🌿

from NZ$360.00

✨️ Payment plans available on request - pay a $100 deposit to secure your spot and spread-out remaining payments, email us for more info ✨️

Head to the beautiful Wairarapa East Coast this March for a weekend Food Forest Retreat. Tucked away in a beautiful forest setting, this small, intimate and grounding weekend offers the perfect balance of rest, relaxation & learning.

If you can’t make these dates and would like updates on future retreats, click here.

This retreat is for women who are interested in creating a beautiful edible forest garden in their urban backyard, at their lifestyle block or farm, or in a community space like a school, community garden or ECE.

No gardening, permaculture or food forest experience necessary, the more experienced women will hold space for those who are just starting out. Bring an open mind and your gorgeous self 💛


🌿 Food Forest Magic - time in the ngāhere to renew, restore and gain the skills to create your dream edible forest garden. Beginner gardeners are welcome and will be well- supported by the more seasoned gardenesses

🥘 Healthy, Local Kai - Enjoy rustic camp food lovingly prepared in the outdoor kitchen and around the fire from fresh, locally grown ingredients.

🌳 Immerse Yourself in the Taiao - Indulge in the gentle sway of a hammock, hit the beach 4 for a surf, sleep under the night sky, take in a sunset swim or walk to the famous Castlepoint lighthouse.

💛 Grow Together, Thrive Together - In a world that often feels rushed and disconnected, gather with like-minded women ready to hit the pause button & reconnect.

Come for the knowledge, stay for the manaakitanga!

Space is limited to 8 women, so it's likely we'll sell out.
✨️ Come on your own (others will too!) or with a friend.


Weekend Event: Friday 21st March, from 4pm - Sunday 23rd March 3pm (2 nights)

*Friday* - arrive from 4pm onwards for a relaxing shared meal & evening surrounded by native bush. Dinner 6pm.

*Saturday* - Introductory Syntropic Food Forest workshop 10am - 1pm, then a free afternoon to chill out and relax in the beautiful forest setting or hit the beach for a walk/swim/surf 🏄🏽 🏊🏻‍♀️🏖️
Dinner at 6pm.

*Sunday* - Getting Started with Food Forest Design & Installation 10am - 1pm. Practical hands-on play and planting in the food forest. Followed by lunch and closing circle/chill time. Depart by 3pm.

Healthy, nurturing kai provided (dinner Friday and Saturday, breakfast and lunch Saturday/Sunday) 🦋

Location: Masterton-Castlepoint Road (directions and a map will be emailed to you after registration). 50 mins drive from Masterton, 2 hours 20 mins from Wellington. 8 mins to Castlepoint Beach.

Pricing & Accommodation Options

We invite you to camp on our land with us. We have a variety of camping options available on a first-in-first-served basis. Pricing ranges from $360 -$420 all inclusive (food, shared accommodation and two food forest workshops Sat & Sun). Payment plans are available/encouraged if $$ is a barrier. 

🌳🌳🌳 Stay in our Tree Tent ($60/night) - for the more adventurous camper! We have 3 spots available in our large tree tent, so you’ll be sharing with 2 others. A stunning way to fully experience a night out in the ngāhere. Fully waterproof and wind-proof. Just bring your sleeping bag, pillow & torch (no mattress required).

⛺⛺⛺ Stay in a Regular Tent ($40/night) - a large 3-roomed tent set up on the lower terrace next to the hut with a camp bed to sleep on. BYO pillow, sleeping bag & torch. Sleeps 4 people max (2 in each end room, with space for bags etc)

🏡🏡🏡 Stay in our Forest Hut - we have one Queen bed and two bunk berths available in the hut bedroom, as shared accommodation ($70/night Queen Bed, $60/night for bunk beds). Duvey and pillow supplied, BYO linen (pillowcase and sheets/sleeping bag).

If you have mobility issues or are simply not a camper, we understand. If you’d like to join us but the more accessible accommodation options have sold out, please get in touch and we’ll see what we can do.

Small, intimate weekend together - only 8 spots available

Your support empowers us to re-invest in the whenua - plants, predator-control traps and gravel for the access road. The birds and critters thank-you 🙏

✨️ Payment plans available on request - email Janine at ✨️

Purchase ticket ($280) & add your stay option:
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Frequently Asked Questions

Who is J9?

Ko Beinn Mac Duibh te maunga, ko Deathan (river don) te awa, ko Kōtarani te iwi, ko Ogg raua ko Ross na whānau tipuna. I tipu ana ahau ki Whakaoriori, kei konei tōku turangawaewae. Kei Whakataki ngā pito whenua ō oku tamariki. Ko Hamuera (Sam) Ludden taku hoa rangatira, ko Janine taku ingoa.

Kia ora :) I'm a local Masterton girl with family connections to Danniverke and Otautahi/Christchurch and before that Scotland, through grandparents on both sides. The small hamlet of Towie near Aberdeen is one of the places our ancestors came from, a charming but barren land of granite and celtic stone circles 🪨🪨🪨 One ancestor was a gamekeeper, perhaps a connection to my love of the ngāhere, and another a green grocer, though I suck at gardening annuals (working on it 😂) .

When it comes to syntropy and food forests I don’t see myself as an expert, more an enthusiastic early adopter with a passion for sharing what I’m learning, warts and all. I have completed courses in Permaculture Farm Design and Syntropic Food Forestry and spend the last few years applying learnings to the land we care for here at Rangiwhakaoma/Castlepoint. I may not have the answers to all your questions, but I can share my mistakes and learnings so far and connect you to the resources you need to get started or deepen your own journey.

Together with Sam and our two girls Bella and Molly, we have a vision to support and accelerate the regeneration of our 43 hectare bush block near Castlepoint, and to share the learning journey with as many people as we can along the way.

What is a Syntropic Food Forest and Why Grow One?

A food forest is a way of growing kai that mimics natural forests, with diverse planting of edible plants and patterns found in nature. We’ll learn more on the day, but here’s a few of my favourite reasons to give food forests a go:

  • it’s good for the soul to design and plant a food forest ✨️ It takes you outside and connects you deeply to your environment, an everyday reminder that we are not separate from nature but part of it.

  • You don’t need heaps of space to get started - a small syntropic ‘nest’ will fit into most NZ backyards. If you have plenty of room, you can go BIG!

  • Biomimicry is at the heart of syntropy and it’s super cool - there’s something about learning how to mimic natural eco-systems that just sings for me. Our ancestors did it and so can we.

  • A syntropic food forest is like a regular food forest on steroids. Biodiversity, food production, soil health and fungal networks accelerate at an incredible rate in a in a syntropic system - it’s hard to believe at first how quickly it can regenerate the soil. Abundance at its best

  • This way of growing is more resilient to the challenges of climate change - syntropic systems require less water, little to no external inputs, are more resilient to pests and as a forest system, are far more resilient to extreme weather events.

  • You’re not just creating a vegetable garden, you’re creating a wildlife habitat! Better still, your design can easily and successfully incorporate NZ native trees and plants

    Ko ahau te taiao ko te taiao ko ahau - I am the environment and the environment is me

What is a tree tent and what are they like to stay in?

A "tree tent" is a new and exciting way to camp. Tree tents are designed to be suspended above the ground and supported by surrounding trees, essentially combining the comfort of a hammock with the protection and capacity of a standard tent, allowing you to sleep elevated off the ground in a forested environment. Our tent sleeps 3 people, and you can climb into it from underneath using a small step, or you can slide in from the door on the side (we’ve situated our tent next to a terrace so it’s easy to access). These tents are fully enclosed with a high quality water-proof fly and protection from insects - if the weather is good we recommend removing the fly so you can sleep under the night sky 🌟🌟🌟

What if we get bad weather?

Part of spending time in nature is embracing the elements, for better or for worse! All our accommodation options are waterproof and safe to stay in during rainy weather and we have a fire in the hut if we need to snuggle up and get warm. We’ll keep an eye on the weather forecast and let you know if you need to bring your gumboots! The only situation we may consider cancelling is in the event of dangerously high winds.